Hi, I'm Alex
I'm a copywriter
After leaving school and a brief stint in the public sector, I began taking on copywriting clients at the age of 18.
I was lucky enough to fall in with a good crowd and ended up freelancing on behalf of advertising agencies in the UK and abroad.
After 2 years in the trenches, I launched Myatt Bonson, an E-commerce marketing agency – and I was invited to become Head Copywriter at Bonaventure and Associates.
What started as a simple dive into freelancing transformed into managing fully-decked-out marketing teams, consulting at 7 and 8-figure companies, and writing direct-response copy for 6-figure campaigns.
I don’t have a single marketing qualification and still believe a hands-on approach is the best way for new copywriters to develop their skills.
These days I direct my team in planning, writing, and launching marketing campaigns for DTC E-commerce businesses. On the side, I help mentor a free group of 1,000+ copywriters and marketers; run a couple of E-commerce businesses of my own; and try to fit in some fiction writing here and there.
(Here’s a quick tip that got me started on this road: Read Claude Hopkins’ “Scientific Advertising”)

Why'd I make this website?
Because I was sick to DEATH of copywriting ‘gurus’ online. Simple as that.
When I started to learn about copywriting, I couldn’t click on 2 links without coming across another ****head (that can be whichever 4-letter-word you feel is most appropriate) promising ‘millions’ of £/$s to unwitting innocents if they’d just sign up for their $1,497 course.
There are some fantastic mentors out there don’t get me wrong, but there are so many fakers too. Regardless, you can find everything you need for next to nothing.
I want to give as much core knowledge away for free as I can. I’d rather aspiring copywriters had somewhere to find it all easily, rather than fall into a trap. So yeah… that’s pretty much it. Have fun.